The Food Truck, Saucy Mama's in Mountain View Serves Delicious Food Right On A Tropical Garden

Sometimes, the best food you can possibly find is in the strangest, most unexpected places. Few things are as fun and satisfying as ending up in a small town you’ve never been to and eating the best (insert your favorite f ood here) you’ve ever had at some hole in the wall you didn’t even know existed. Lurking quietly at the side street of Highway 11, there's a red food truck. It’s a food truck, quite literally just chillin’ in the “middle of nowhere,” that serves up some of the best food. The food is worth the drive out from wherever you might be. It's brand-new, relatively speaking, having opened in 2021. Address : 18-1325 Old Volcano Rd, Mountain View, HI 96771 Website: Saucy Mama's LLC