Open Board Position to Advocate for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community
Interesting in advocating for the Big Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community??
A Big Island resident just resigned a position on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Board (DHHAB), and we need a replacement! There are two spots available - one for Hilo, and one for Kona.
Board members attend meetings, then return to relay the information to his/her respective communities. Meetings are quarterly (February, May, August and November). The February 9th meeting scheduled to happen this Saturday has been rescheduled to March 9th.
The intent for these meetings is NOT to be a gripe session, but to be informational and to advocate for the community in a positive manner. You will be there to:
- Ensure that required services are being met.
- Share what IS working and what is not.
- Share what is needed that could be implemented

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